Saturday 3 September 2016

Shopping!! (Week 1)

IS SATURDAY!!! That means its shopping day!!!
Before we go into shopping, let us tell you about what we did before Saturday.....

Here are our classrooms! 
They are much like tutorial rooms in NYP except they don't really have air-con in them... They're like fan-air-con. Not those huge centralised air-cons.

Management in IS
International Business

Tadah! Ajuma food!

We met up with our buddy after class and said hi to her. She was our senior's buddy as well last year!! She's super friendly.

She brought us to eat just right outside our school.

This is our first full Korean meal in Korea. 
It's exactly what you see in those drama where they sit on the floor and eat with their parents. 
100% Korean. 
Liang Jing's favourite was the spicy squid.
Belle and Shi Jia's favourite was the Soup Tofu! 

We would like to go back but the menu is in Korean. We only know how to say Soup Tofu in Korean - Soo Too Poo. 
We'll explain why it's "Poo" in awhile... 

We went to Chuncheon Myeongdong to splurge our money on Daiso. We bought a ton of daily necessities and materials for classes. After that, we went to a supermarket to buy a hairdryer. It was starting to get late so we went back to our dorm for the day.

Why Pie
In the early morning, we settled our dorm fee which cost us 1,202,000 Won (~SGD 1,380) and took our Wi-Fi (pronounced as Wi-Pie in Korean HAHA). 

Our finance professor mentioned that Korean doesnt have the letter "F" in their alphabets. Ho. Ho. Ho. 

Anyway, Here's an image of our Wi-Pie. 

There is ZERO CONNECTION in the room. We had to open our doors or stand outside of our room just to connect to the internet. It was terrible. 

< Until we met this life saver. We love TPLink. 

We managed to go back to the supermarket our buddy brought us to on our own! :D (We'll upload an image soon.) 

Tomato Volcano Sauce

Here's what we had for dinner on Friday. 
It's called "Tomato" and it's super delicious.

Thinking about it makes me hungry. 

Apparently, they close their shop at about 8.30 PM. It was hilarious how we were approached by the staff and told to like leave, but we didn't understand until they tried to hand sign the door closing. 
We ended up taking away our half eaten meal and finished it in the dorm HAHAHA. 

And now, to Saturday. SHOPPING TIME! 

Chuncheon Myeongdong @ night

We walked around aimlessly and spent half of our day shopping. Oops. 
A lot of the facial products are on 1 + 1 or 10 + 10. There is no in-between HAHA. 
Go big or go home. 
Pokemon craze!

We found KFC. We ate KFC for lunch. It was hard to order as we had to point at the menu or just try our luck by pointing at something that we felt was okay. Ordering was terrible. But the chicken was good so it didn't matter. 

This is for the OCD people >>
It felt like we were solving a jigsaw puzzle. 

They're so cute.
The art box in Korea has 3 floors. Gosh. How cool is that? We probably spent an hour in there or something. It's also much cheaper than in Singapore.

All these shoes but you still won't run to me.
We then continued walking around aimlessly and saw shoe shops on sale. We were extermely tempted by the shoes. Some of them were as cheap as 69000 Won! All the sport shoes we can buy....  

We went into 3 shops back to back that were having sale and they all had the same price. 
Can't tell if they were being friendly or what. 

Anyway, we managed to walk to a cinema and wanted to watch a movie but there wasn't much on show currently. We wanted to watch "Secret Life of Pets" but it was unavailable at the one we went to (I think it was CGV). 


Here's Belle's loots for the day. omg.

SO, we ended up taking PICTURES! 
The Purika we went to was only 7000Won for those two pieces! 

Singapore's Purika costs about $10/12SGD for a miserly one piece. 
How nice of Korea. Tsk tsk. 

Anyway, we then walked around some more and managed to find a shopping mall called "M" that had Uniqlo in it. 

We are currently waiting for our clothes to dry as we sit down to type out this post. Here's a picture of the dorm's washing machine. 

Can you hear us scream as we jab on the buttons by random? HAHA It took us awhile to understand what each button does.
To our future juniors: 

First, put in the money.

Secondly, put in your (dirty) clothes and pour detergent at the box by the side.

Then, press the second button from the top. It means "Standard"

Then, press the last button. It (kinda) means "Start".

Lastly, watch your clothes swirl inside! 
No JK, type your blog post for that day. 

It takes about 35 minutes for the clothes to be done.

It's about time the dryer called for us. 
Here are some more images to end our post: 

View from the front door of our dorm

It's kinda like a market, like Chinatown

He's literally everywhere in Korea.

Good luck and cheers! 

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